Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors




  • allowLegacy: "true"
12Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile1Errors Error
Translation0Errors Error
FileLength0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
569Errors Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
768Errors Error
JavadocMethod337Errors Error
JavadocType20Errors Error
JavadocVariable79Errors Error
JavadocStyle35Errors Error
ConstantName2Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
LocalVariableName0Errors Error
MemberName0Errors Error
MethodName0Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName0Errors Error
StaticVariableName0Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport0Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
RedundantImport0Errors Error
UnusedImports4Errors Error
LineLength741Errors Error
MethodLength0Errors Error
ParameterNumber1Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad12Errors Error
MethodParamPad0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceAfter35Errors Error
NoWhitespaceBefore1Errors Error
OperatorWrap0Errors Error
ParenPad3Errors Error
TypecastParenPad0Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter76Errors Error
WhitespaceAround3Errors Error
ModifierOrder38Errors Error
RedundantModifier12Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0Errors Error
EmptyBlock3Errors Error
LeftCurly20Errors Error
NeedBraces4Errors Error
RightCurly36Errors Error
AvoidInlineConditionals28Errors Error
EmptyStatement1Errors Error
EqualsHashCode0Errors Error
HiddenField65Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
InnerAssignment0Errors Error
MagicNumber12Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault0Errors Error
RedundantThrows2Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression1Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
DesignForExtension163Errors Error
FinalClass0Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor3Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
VisibilityModifier7Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle4Errors Error
FinalParameters401Errors Error
TodoComment2Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error



ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.13
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.14
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).152
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.152
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 119).163
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).186
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.187
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).196
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).206
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).213
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).218
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).228
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.230
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).233
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'patternName'.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).237
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dateFormatName'.237
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).246
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).251
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).260
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).267
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).283
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).284
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.288
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).289
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.290
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).290
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.291
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).298
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).299
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.300
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).306
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.306


ErrorsUnused import - net.sourceforge.argval.impl.PropertiesConfigurationManager.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.11
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 119).20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 133).24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.36
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'patternMap'.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.54
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'properties'.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter filter should be final.16
Errors'filter' hides a field.16
ErrorsMethod 'filter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter strSet should be final.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.28
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).23
ErrorsParameter set should be final.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter list should be final.41
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.56
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.59
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.59
ErrorsParameter config should be final.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 126).62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.62
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.62
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.62
ErrorsParameter config should be final.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter input should be final.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsParameter input should be final.94
ErrorsParameter config should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.97
ErrorsParameter input should be final.97
ErrorsParameter config should be final.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.105
Errors'}' should be on the same line.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsParameter set should be final.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.139
ErrorsParameter name should be final.139
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.139
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.142
ErrorsParameter name should be final.142
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.142
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 145).145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.145
ErrorsParameter name should be final.145
ErrorsParameter nameArray should be final.145
ErrorsParameter valueArray should be final.145
ErrorsParameter config should be final.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.152
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.155
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.155
ErrorsParameter config should be final.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.158
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.158
ErrorsParameter config should be final.158
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.167
Errors'}' should be on the same line.178
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
ErrorsParameter byteArray should be final.190
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.194
Errors'256' is a magic number.194
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.194
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).201
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.201
ErrorsParameter multipleValues should be final.201
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).202
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).204
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.204
ErrorsParameter multipleValues should be final.204
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).205
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.205
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 123).207
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.207
ErrorsParameter coll should be final.207
ErrorsParameter multipleValues should be final.207
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.207
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsParameter messageSet should be final.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.223
ErrorsParameter messageList should be final.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).226
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.226
ErrorsParameter messageList should be final.226
ErrorsParameter config should be final.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.229
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.229
ErrorsParameter inputList should be final.229
ErrorsParameter config should be final.229
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.233
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.237
Errors'}' should be on the same line.244
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.256
ErrorsParameter stringArray should be final.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 126).31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters (found 10).31
ErrorsParameter arrayPrefix should be final.31
Errors'arrayPrefix' hides a field.31
ErrorsParameter arrayPostfix should be final.31
Errors'arrayPostfix' hides a field.31
ErrorsParameter arrayValueSeparator should be final.31
Errors'arrayValueSeparator' hides a field.31
ErrorsParameter arrayValuePrefix should be final.31
Errors'arrayValuePrefix' hides a field.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 129).32
ErrorsParameter arrayValuePostfix should be final.32
Errors'arrayValuePostfix' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter arrayKeyPrefix should be final.32
Errors'arrayKeyPrefix' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter arrayKeyPostfix should be final.32
Errors'arrayKeyPostfix' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter keyValueSeparator should be final.32
Errors'keyValueSeparator' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter nullValue should be final.32
Errors'nullValue' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter isExtraSpacesActive should be final.33
Errors'isExtraSpacesActive' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).41
Errors'}' should be on the same line.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter value should be final.55
ErrorsParameter valueWithExtraSpace should be final.55
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter value should be final.59
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 118).64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 125).65
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayPostfix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayPrefix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayValuePostfix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayValuePrefix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayValueSeparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayKeyPrefix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsMethod 'getArrayKeyPostfix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsMethod 'getKeyValueSeparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsMethod 'isExtraSpacesActive' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsMethod 'getNullValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 122).31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 123).44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 128).58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).64
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 137).72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 140).86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 132).100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsMethod 'create' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsParameter name should be final.121
ErrorsParameter valueSeparator should be final.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).124
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.128
Errors'}' should be on the same line.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
ErrorsParameter valueSeparator should be final.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).148
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.159
ErrorsParameter name should be final.159
ErrorsParameter config should be final.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.163
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.163
ErrorsParameter name should be final.163
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.164


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter value should be final.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMethod 'addFilter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter filter should be final.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).25
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter rejectList should be final.17
Errors'rejectList' hides a field.17
ErrorsParameter acceptList should be final.17
Errors'acceptList' hides a field.17
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter value should be final.24
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.29
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.39


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </iframe>74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 119).98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 132).115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 125).147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 126).149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 150).151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).161
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).188
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.188
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).191
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.194
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.195
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).196
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).204
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.208
ErrorsParameter validationTypeName should be final.211
Errors'validationTypeName' hides a field.211
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'validationTypeName'.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
Errors'}' should be on the same line.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).226
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).229
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).232
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.234
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.237
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.237
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.237
ErrorsParameter validationTypeName should be final.237
Errors'validationTypeName' hides a field.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).241
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.241
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.241
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.241
ErrorsParameter dateFormatMap should be final.241
Errors'dateFormatMap' hides a field.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 129).244
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.244
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.244
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.244
ErrorsParameter dateFormatMap should be final.244
Errors'dateFormatMap' hides a field.244
ErrorsParameter validationTypeName should be final.244
Errors'validationTypeName' hides a field.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).249
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.250
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).250
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).251
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).254
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).260
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).265
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).266
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).269
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.269
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.269
ErrorsParameter compiler should be final.269
ErrorsParameter matcher should be final.269
Errors'matcher' hides a field.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).272
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.272
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.272
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.272
ErrorsParameter compiler should be final.272
ErrorsParameter matcher should be final.272
Errors'matcher' hides a field.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsParameter validationTypeName should be final.273
Errors'validationTypeName' hides a field.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).274
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.277
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.277
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.277
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.277
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).278
ErrorsParameter compiler should be final.278
ErrorsParameter matcher should be final.278
Errors'matcher' hides a field.278
ErrorsParameter dateFormatMap should be final.278
Errors'dateFormatMap' hides a field.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.282
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).287
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).288
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.290
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.290
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.290
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'patternMap'.290
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).291
ErrorsParameter compiler should be final.291
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'compiler'.291
ErrorsParameter matcher should be final.291
Errors'matcher' hides a field.291
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'matcher'.291
ErrorsParameter dateFormatMap should be final.291
Errors'dateFormatMap' hides a field.291
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dateFormatMap'.291
ErrorsParameter validationTypeName should be final.292
Errors'validationTypeName' hides a field.292
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).295
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).304
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.311
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).315
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.316
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.317
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).321
Errors'}' should be on the same line.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 131).324
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.327
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).328
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 133).334
Errors'}' should be on the same line.335
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 146).337
Errors'}' should be on the same line.338
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 146).340
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).346
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.347
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).348
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.349
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.350
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).351
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).352
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).355
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.355
ErrorsParameter compiler should be final.355
ErrorsParameter matcher should be final.355
Errors'matcher' hides a field.355
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 169).356
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.358
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.359
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.363
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.363
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.371
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.371
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.374
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.378
ErrorsMethod 'containsIllegalArgument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.382
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.382
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).388
ErrorsMethod 'createIllegalArgumentException' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.390
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.390
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).396
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).398
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenNotNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.398
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.398
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.398
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.398
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).406
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenNotNullInCollection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.406
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.406
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.406
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.406
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).420
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.421
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).421
ErrorsMethod 'addError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.424
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.424
ErrorsParameter message should be final.424
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).425
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.426
ErrorsMethod 'addError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.428
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.428
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.428
ErrorsParameter key should be final.428
ErrorsParameter message should be final.428
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).429
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.432
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).433
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).435
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenBoolean' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.435
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.435
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.435
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.435
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).437
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).438
Errors'}' should be on the same line.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.442
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).450
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).452
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenInteger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.452
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.452
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.452
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.452
Errors'}' should be on the same line.455
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.463
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).465
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenLong' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.467
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.467
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.467
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.467
Errors'}' should be on the same line.470
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).472
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).480
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).482
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenDirectory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.482
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.482
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.482
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.482
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).488
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenDirectory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.488
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.488
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.488
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.488
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.489
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.492
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.492
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.498
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.499
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).501
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.503
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.503
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.503
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.503
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.509
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.509
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.509
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.509
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.513
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.513
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).514
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.514
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.520
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).522
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.524
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.524
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.524
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.524
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.527
Errors'}' should be on the same line.527
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.529
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.534
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.535
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenUri' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.536
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.536
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.536
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.536
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.539
Errors'}' should be on the same line.539
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).541
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.541
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.543
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.546
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.547
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 121).549
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).551
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenInSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.551
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.551
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.551
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.551
ErrorsParameter argumentSet should be final.551
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.553
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 131).555
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).556
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.560
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 124).576
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).578
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenNotInSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.578
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.578
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.578
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.578
ErrorsParameter argumentSet should be final.578
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 131).582
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.591
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.592
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).593
ErrorsMethod 'isValidCollectionWhenNoNulls' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.593
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.593
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.593
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.593
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.595
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.596
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.597
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).598
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.598
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.599
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.600
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).601
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.601
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.601
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.602
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.603
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.604
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.605
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.606
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.607
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.608
Errors'}' should be on the same line.608
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.609
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.610
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.611
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.612
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.613
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.614
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.615
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.616
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 138).617
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.617
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.618
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.619
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.620
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.621
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.622
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.626
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).628
ErrorsMethod 'isValidCollectionWhenMinElements' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.628
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.628
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.628
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.628
ErrorsParameter minElements should be final.628
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.630
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).631
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.631
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.632
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.633
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.634
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.639
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).641
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).643
ErrorsMethod 'isValidWhenGreaterThen' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.643
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.643
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.643
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.643
ErrorsParameter value should be final.643
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 121).648
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).657
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).659
ErrorsMethod 'isValidStringMinLength' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.659
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.659
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.659
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.659
ErrorsParameter minLength should be final.659
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).662
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.669
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).671
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).673
ErrorsMethod 'isValidStringMaxLength' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.673
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.673
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.673
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.673
ErrorsParameter maxLength should be final.673
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).676
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.683
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).685
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).687
ErrorsMethod 'isValidStringLength' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.687
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.687
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.687
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.687
ErrorsParameter length should be final.687
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).690
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.696
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 128).699
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 122).701
ErrorsMethod 'isValidStringMinAndMaxLength' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.701
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.701
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.701
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.701
ErrorsParameter minLength should be final.701
ErrorsParameter maxLength should be final.701
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).704
Errors'}' should be on the same line.706
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).708
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.714
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.715
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 137).717
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).719
ErrorsMethod 'isValidMatchingDateFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.719
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.719
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.719
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.719
ErrorsParameter dateFormat should be final.719
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.720
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.725
Errors'}' should be on the same line.725
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.728
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.728
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.729
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.730
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).731
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.731
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.731
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.735
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.738
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 133).741
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).743
ErrorsMethod 'isValidMatchingDateFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.743
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.743
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.743
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.743
ErrorsParameter dateFormatName should be final.743
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).744
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.744
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).745
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.747
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.748
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.749
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).749
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.749
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.750
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.751
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).751
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.751
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.751
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).754
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.760
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.763
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).763
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.764
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.765
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).766
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 130).776
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).778
ErrorsMethod 'isValidMatchingPattern' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.778
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.778
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.778
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.778
ErrorsParameter patternName should be final.778
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).779
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.779
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).780
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.782
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 147).783
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.783
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.785
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.788
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.789
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).789
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.790
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.794
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.797
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.798
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).800
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.801
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).802
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 123).807
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.807
ErrorsParameter argumentValue should be final.807
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'argumentValue'.807
ErrorsParameter theLength should be final.807
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'theLength'.807
ErrorsParameter lengthConditionStr should be final.807
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lengthConditionStr'.807
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 128).809
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).810
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.814
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.815
ErrorsMethod 'addError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.819
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.819
ErrorsParameter error should be final.819
ErrorsMethod 'getPatternNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.831
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.831
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.834
ErrorsMethod 'getPattern' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.839
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.839
Errors'patternMap' hides a field.840
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).841
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.841
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.842
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).843
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.843
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.847
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.848
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).850
ErrorsMethod 'getPattern' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.852
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.852
ErrorsParameter patternName should be final.852
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.853
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.854
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).854
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.857
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.859
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.860
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).862
ErrorsMethod 'getRegularExpression' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.864
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.864
ErrorsParameter patternName should be final.864
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.865
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.866
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).866
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.869
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.871
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.872
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.874
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).874
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.876
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.878
ErrorsParameter text should be final.881
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.886
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).893
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.894
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.896
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.897
ErrorsParameter text should be final.900
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.902
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).905
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.906
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.908
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.909
ErrorsParameter text should be final.912
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.914
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.916
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).917
ErrorsMethod 'isValidNotNullForKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.917
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.917
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.917
ErrorsParameter argumentValueMap should be final.917
ErrorsParameter key should be final.917


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).24
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).36
ErrorsMethod 'createPatternProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter patternMap should be final.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).43
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 137).47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).62
ErrorsMethod 'createPatternMapOldSchool' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 156).64
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.64
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 148).67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).83
ErrorsMethod 'createPatternMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 121).87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).88
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.88
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).93
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).97
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 102).108
ErrorsMethod 'createDateFormatMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 128).112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).113
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.113
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).117
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 153).121
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 138).124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).37
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).39
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).51
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).53
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter jarPath should be final.28
Errors'jarPath' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter manifest should be final.28
Errors'manifest' hides a field.28
ErrorsMethod 'getJarPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMethod 'getManifest' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsMethod 'getPackageInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter name should be final.50
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationVendor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).70
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.73
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationVendor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).84
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).87
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.90
ErrorsMethod 'getNameSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.101
ErrorsMethod 'getMainAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsParameter attributeName should be final.106
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.120
ErrorsParameter jarName should be final.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).32
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsVariable 'manifestInfoMap' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter classPath should be final.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter path should be final.63
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).71
Errors'}' should be on the same line.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsParameter regularExpression should be final.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter regularExpression should be final.91
ErrorsParameter name should be final.91
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter manifestInfo should be final.100
ErrorsParameter name should be final.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsParameter manifestInfo should be final.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
ErrorsParameter packageInfo should be final.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsParameter textA should be final.127
ErrorsParameter textB should be final.127
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.129
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).142
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsVariable 'columnNames' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter manifestInfoManager should be final.34
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnClass' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).51
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMethod 'getRowCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsMethod 'getValueAt' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.60
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.60
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'3' is a magic number.75
Errors'4' is a magic number.78
Errors'5' is a magic number.81
Errors'6' is a magic number.84
ErrorsMethod 'isCellEditable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.94
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter value should be final.99
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.99
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsMethod 'addTableModelListener' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter tml should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMethod 'removeTableModelListener' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter tml should be final.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.16
Errors'priority' hides a field.16
ErrorsParameter message should be final.16
Errors'message' hides a field.16
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.16
Errors'cause' hides a field.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'getDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMethod 'getPriority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMethod 'getCause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).33
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter priorityList should be final.55
Errors'priorityList' hides a field.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsMethod 'getPriorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMethod 'getOrderedPriorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageItemList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageItemList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsMethod 'addMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.92
ErrorsParameter message should be final.92
ErrorsMethod 'addMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.96
ErrorsParameter message should be final.96
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).101
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsMethod 'addFatal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter message should be final.112
ErrorsMethod 'addFatal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsParameter message should be final.115
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.115
ErrorsMethod 'addError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.118
ErrorsParameter message should be final.118
ErrorsMethod 'addError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter message should be final.121
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.121
ErrorsMethod 'addWarn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsParameter message should be final.124
ErrorsMethod 'addWarn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsParameter message should be final.127
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.127
ErrorsMethod 'addInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
ErrorsParameter message should be final.130
ErrorsMethod 'addInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.133
ErrorsParameter message should be final.133
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.133
ErrorsMethod 'addDebug' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
ErrorsParameter message should be final.136
ErrorsMethod 'addDebug' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.139
ErrorsParameter message should be final.139
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsMethod 'isFatalAdded' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.144
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsMethod 'isErrorAdded' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsMethod 'isWarnAdded' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsMethod 'isInfoAdded' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsMethod 'isDebugAdded' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.161
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsMethod 'isEmpty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.177
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.191
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.191
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'visitor'.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.198
ErrorsMethod 'toStringBuffer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.199
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.199
ErrorsParameter strBuf should be final.199
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).200
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).212
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.219
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.219
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.222
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.226


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsParameter builder should be final.19
Errors'builder' hides a field.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter messageStore should be final.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'visit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter messageItem should be final.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMethod 'getAsText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.2
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).2
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).25


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.19
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.32


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).78


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'packageInfo'.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'packageName'.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54


ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18


ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsParameter isIncludePackageNameActive should be final.47
Errors'isIncludePackageNameActive' hides a field.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'visit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsParameter packageInfo should be final.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMethod 'getDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsParameter tag should be final.89
ErrorsParameter title should be final.89
ErrorsParameter vendor should be final.89
ErrorsParameter version should be final.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter tag should be final.98
ErrorsParameter value should be final.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsParameter originalSet should be final.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 142).45
ErrorsParameter specTitle should be final.45
Errors'specTitle' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter specVendor should be final.45
Errors'specVendor' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter specVersion should be final.45
Errors'specVersion' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter implTitle should be final.45
Errors'implTitle' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter implVendor should be final.45
Errors'implVendor' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter implVersion should be final.45
Errors'implVersion' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsParameter pckg should be final.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationVendor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsMethod 'getImplementationVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationVendor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecificationVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).133
ErrorsMethod 'getNameSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsMethod 'addPackageName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.144
ErrorsParameter name should be final.144
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).41
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).43
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter packageArray should be final.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter pckg should be final.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsParameter jarFile should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).83
Errors'}' should be on the same line.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 122).101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 132).169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.171
ErrorsParameter packageInfo should be final.171
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 150).179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.181
ErrorsParameter packageInfo should be final.181
ErrorsParameter packageName should be final.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.200
ErrorsParameter title should be final.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).207
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).212
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.214
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.221
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'visitor'.221
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).226
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).235
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).242
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.243
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).254
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.255
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.262


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 119).47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsParameter configFactory should be final.47
Errors'configFactory' hides a field.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'configFactory'.47
ErrorsParameter collectionFilter should be final.47
Errors'collectionFilter' hides a field.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'collectionFilter'.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsParameter isIncludePackageNameActive should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter packageNameDepth should be final.67
Errors'packageNameDepth' hides a field.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter filter should be final.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter packageNameDepth should be final.73
Errors'packageNameDepth' hides a field.73
ErrorsParameter filter should be final.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsParameter packageInfo should be final.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 122).91
Errors'}' should be on the same line.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).103
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 126).105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 99).107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).111
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsParameter originalSet should be final.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsParameter nameSet should be final.129
ErrorsParameter config should be final.129
ErrorsParameter maxDepth should be final.129
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.131
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 133).137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.3
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 125).9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import - net.sourceforge.argval.packageinfo.impl.PackageInfoManagerImpl.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsVariable 'columnNames' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter manager should be final.33
Errors'manager' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).49
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.57
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.57
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58
Errors'3' is a magic number.71
Errors'4' is a magic number.74
Errors'5' is a magic number.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.87
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter value should be final.91
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.91
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsParameter tml should be final.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsParameter tml should be final.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105


ErrorsUnused import - net.sourceforge.argval.utils.impl.PropertyLocatedFile.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 133).15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter logger should be final.15
ErrorsParameter method should be final.15
ErrorsParameter parameterNameArray should be final.15
ErrorsParameter parameterValueArray should be final.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 170).17
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 137).21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter logger should be final.21
ErrorsParameter methodName should be final.21
ErrorsParameter parameterNameArray should be final.21
ErrorsParameter parameterValueArray should be final.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 159).23
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.23


ErrorsUnused import - net.sourceforge.argval.utils.impl.PropertiesLoaderImpl.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'FileNotFoundException' is subclass of 'IOException'.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).40
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'FileNotFoundException' is subclass of 'IOException'.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.12
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'properties'.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).122
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 124).128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 129).154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'prop'.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mapPrefixKey'.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'openingBracket'.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'closingBracket'.154


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsParameter text should be final.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).54
ErrorsParameter text should be final.56
ErrorsParameter defaultText should be final.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsParameter text should be final.80
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).81
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter text should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter text should be final.88
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).89
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter text should be final.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 119).96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsParameter text should be final.96
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.96
ErrorsParameter coll should be final.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).118
ErrorsParameter text should be final.120
ErrorsParameter character should be final.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 127).141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'character'.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).146
ErrorsParameter text should be final.148
ErrorsParameter characterArray should be final.148
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'characterArray'.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).171
ErrorsParameter text should be final.174
ErrorsParameter toRemove should be final.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.194
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.195
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).208
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsParameter text should be final.215
ErrorsParameter ch should be final.215
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.221
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.223
ErrorsParameter text should be final.223
ErrorsParameter ch should be final.223
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.230
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.236
ErrorsParameter byteArray should be final.243
Errors'0xFF' is a magic number.246
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.254
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.255
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.256
ErrorsParameter byteArray should be final.256
Errors'0xFF' is a magic number.259
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.260
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.264
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.265
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.266
ErrorsParameter hexStr should be final.266
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.277


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).14
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).30
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).36
Errors'}' should be on the same line.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 125).48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </iframe>62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).68
ErrorsName 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 100).77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 125).88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).92
ErrorsParameter propKeyConfigurationFile should be final.92
ErrorsParameter configDirName should be final.92
ErrorsParameter defaultFileName should be final.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).93
ErrorsMethod 'loadConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 108).104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).106
ErrorsMethod 'loadConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsParameter includeSystemProperties should be final.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesFileMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.32
ErrorsName 'keyConfig' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).42
ErrorsMethod 'createKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter key should be final.44
ErrorsParameter keyPart should be final.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 124).50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).52
ErrorsMethod 'createKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter key should be final.52
ErrorsParameter firstKeyPart should be final.52
ErrorsParameter secondKeyPart should be final.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).58
ErrorsMethod 'createKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter keyArray should be final.60
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).67
ErrorsMethod 'loadProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter propertyFile should be final.69
Errors'}' should be on the same line.75
Errors'}' should be on the same line.79
Errors'}' should be on the same line.84
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).95
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertyAsSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.97
ErrorsParameter key should be final.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 135).101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).103
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertyAsSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.103
ErrorsParameter key should be final.103
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).109
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertyAsList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.117
ErrorsParameter key should be final.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).120
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertyAsList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.120
ErrorsParameter key should be final.120
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).126
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 118).130
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 114).139
ErrorsMethod 'getProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsParameter baseKey should be final.141
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.141
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 113).166
ErrorsMethod 'getProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.168
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.168
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.168
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 136).174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).176
ErrorsMethod 'addProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.176
ErrorsParameter baseKey should be final.176
ErrorsParameter extraProp should be final.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 135).186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).188
ErrorsMethod 'addProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.188
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.188
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.188
ErrorsParameter extraProp should be final.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 118).194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.196
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.196
ErrorsParameter listPrefixKey should be final.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 154).205
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 136).207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.207
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.207
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.207
ErrorsParameter listPrefixKey should be final.207
ErrorsParameter openingBracket should be final.207
ErrorsParameter closingBracket should be final.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
Errors'}' should be on the same line.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
Errors'}' should be on the same line.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.273
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.273
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.273
ErrorsParameter mapPrefixKey should be final.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 153).282
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 141).284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
ErrorsMethod 'getPropertiesMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.284
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.284
ErrorsParameter prop should be final.284
ErrorsParameter mapPrefixKey should be final.284
ErrorsParameter openingBracket should be final.284
ErrorsParameter closingBracket should be final.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 105).299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.300
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 120).301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 124).302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 158).307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 140).308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
Errors'}' should be on the same line.311
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 83).312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.313
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.325
ErrorsParameter originalSet should be final.325


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 111).68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 91).69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 107).72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 116).75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 117).80
ErrorsParameter propKeyNameFile should be final.80
Errors'propKeyNameFile' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter configDirName should be final.80
Errors'configDirName' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter defaultFileName should be final.80
Errors'defaultFileName' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter logger should be final.80
Errors'logger' hides a field.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).86
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 112).95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMethod 'getFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'}' should be on the same line.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).135
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 109).136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.153
Errors'}' should be on the same line.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 101).160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 115).161
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 106).177
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsMethod 'getFileMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.200
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.1


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'separator' hides a field.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'separator' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter config should be final.28
Errors'config' hides a field.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMethod 'visit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter versionNumber should be final.37
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.39
Errors'}' should be on the same line.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMethod 'getAsText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'builder' hides a field.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsRedundant 'static' modifier.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 94).26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'versionStr'.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 84).81


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 110).29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter versionPartSeparator should be final.35
Errors'versionPartSeparator' hides a field.35
ErrorsMethod 'getVersionPartSeparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMethod 'addVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter version should be final.46
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.47
ErrorsMethod 'addVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMethod 'addVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.56
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.58
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.62
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.67
ErrorsMethod 'convertVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMethod 'isCompatible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsParameter version should be final.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsMethod 'isCompatible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter versionStr should be final.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsMethod 'isCompatible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter version should be final.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 103).90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 98).93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter version should be final.97
ErrorsParameter index should be final.97
Errors'}' should be on the same line.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 104).104
Errors'}' should be on the same line.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).111
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.116
Errors'}' should be on the same line.120
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).123
Errors'}' should be on the same line.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsMethod 'getRegisteredVersionAsStings' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 131).154
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 97).158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).170
Errors'}' should be on the same line.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsParameter versionStrSet should be final.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).185
Errors';' is followed by whitespace.185
Errors'}' should be on the same line.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.194
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.195
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.198
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsMethod 'getRegisteredVersionNumbers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.202
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.202
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.209
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.209
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 93).9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).33


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMethod 'createFromNumber' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsParameter version should be final.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 95).26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 81).27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 90).29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 89).30
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.30
Errors'versionList' hides a field.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 87).36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 92).38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsMethod 'getPartitionedVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMethod 'accept' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter visitor should be final.47
ErrorsMethod 'getAsText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter separator should be final.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 96).56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter arrayValueSeparator should be final.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsEmpty statement.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 88).67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).68
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsMethod 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'13' is a magic number.78
Errors'17' is a magic number.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMethod 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 82).4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 85).11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters (found 86).12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17